(916) 722-6108
School (916) 727-1197

First Steps

Welcome to Antelope Christian Center!

Your journey to following Jesus and growing spiritually begins here. The starting point to your journey with Jesus is to attend one of our services first:


9 AM Traditional Service

11 AM Contemporary Service

Life Groups

After establishing a service time, we encourage you to continue to grow spiritually by joining one of our small Life Groups. Life Groups are where you can meet, fellowship, and study the word of God with other believers. We encourage you to join a Life Group to grow spiritually and become a part of God’s family.

If you would like to look at our Life Groups, click here to view our Life Group list.


Baptism is a public declaration that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior! Baptism is a representation of how we have been washed of our sins (Romans 6:11) and have been raised to new life in Christ (Colossians 2:12).

When you are ready to be baptized, just email us at careministries@antelopechristian.org, or fill out this form. Baptisms are done on the last Sunday of the month. When you email us or complete the baptism form, we will give you instructions for your baptism.

If you have questions about being ready for baptism, we suggest you attend the Foundations of Faith class on Sundays at 10 AM. It is a 4-week course that teaches the fundamentals of our Christian Faith.

Welcome to the Family

Welcome to the Family is a workshop we host for those who are ready to call Antelope Christian Center their church home! It is an orientation about what Antelope Christian Center has to offer and learn of opportunities to serve. You can visit our Events webpage to see when the next workshop will be held!